Lose Your Quit offers practical steps to help you identify those things that are holding you back from the very dreams you wish to create!
Before becoming known as “The Biggest Loser… Ever,” Danny was an aspiring entertainer and musician who lost hope in his dreams, just like so many people do. While losing sight of his true passions, he began filling the void in his life with something else—food. While we don’t realize it, giving up is a process that happens over time. It’s easy to press on at first, but as time goes by and our dreams aren’t quickly realized, we begin to believe that success might never come— so we quit.
In Losing Your Quit, Danny will take you on a journey of his time before and during The Biggest Loser. While losing 239 pounds and becoming The Biggest Loser… EVER, he discovered that the same basic steps he used on the show can help you find success in any are of life. Whether you want to build a successful business, lose weight or improve your relationships, the same principles to success apply. Like Danny, the only limits you have are the ones you place on yourself— so it’s time to Lose Your Quit and lose your limits.
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